The Kirk Session has agreed to the opening of the church, not only for private prayer, but also for “in-person” worship.  

This starts on Sunday, 13th September.  

The pattern now will be as follows -


9.30 a.m. Service streamed live with only the minister, beadle and organist present and singing

11 a.m. Service streamed with a congregation present (streamed to allow it to be relayed to the hall)

6.30 p.m. Evening Service with a congregation present 



12 noon Delve in at 12 streamed from church with a congregation present



10 a.m. - 12 noon Church open for private prayer

At the moment, with the three in-person services being offered, there is enough room for everyone who has indicated that they are ready to return.  As the situation changes and more people feel ready to return there will be a booking system in place.  

More details to follow.