Good morning

Just a reminder of this morning’s in person service at 11:00 a.m. which will also be streamed live.  

Sunday Club, Bible Class and Creche are all available.


Intimations :

Tea & Coffee will be served in the hall at the close of this morning’s service.

If you ordered the book, “Praying with the Psalms”, these are available in the Crush Hall to be picked up.  The cost is £12.00 is you have not already paid.

Starting in July, there will be a series based on themes from the “Lord’s Prayer.”  We will therefore use the book from 1st July 2022.

Platinum Jubilee Lunch – The sum raised for Christian Aid was £895.40.  Our thanks to all who were involved in the organisation and those who supported the event in any way.

Wednesday 15th June – Delve in at 12 takes place at 12 Noon including the celebration of Holy Communion.

Friday 17th June - The Snack Bar and Nearly New Stall are open from 10.00 a.m. 

The Sanctuary will also be open from 10.00 a.m. to provide an opportunity for reflection and a quiet time.

Kitchenware Project – Thanks to all who supported this venture.  The items donated were greatly appreciated.


We will be enjoying an evening of fellowship, playing skittles and a meal together.  If interested, please contact Eckhardt at: or 07871 959996