Parent / Guardian Details
- Parent / Guardian Name
- Parent/Guardian Number
- Parent/Guardian Email
Child Details
We require the name, address, date of birth, and any additional information (such as dietary or medical information) that will help us look after the child. You can register more than one child without submitting this form multiple times.
- Details for Each Child
Medical Contact
GP or other medical professional who can be contacted in the unlikely event of injury or illness.
- GP Name
- GP Contact Number
Emergency Contact
A trusted adult we can contact if we cannot reach the parent/guardian.
- Emergency Contact Name
- Emergency Phone Number
I give permission for my child’s photograph to be taken during the club to be used for church purposes only including press release and church website.
In the unlikely event of illness or accident, I give permission for any appropriate first aid to be given by the nominated first-aider. In an emergency, and if I cannot be contacted, I am willing for my child to be given hospital treatment, including anaesthetic if necessary. I understand that every effort will be made to contact me as soon as possible.
I confirm that the above details are complete and correct to the best of my knowledge.
N.B. Children must be accompanied by an adult.
Your personal data is being gathered for the purpose of securing your booking at this event, and for compiling a register of attendees for health & satefy, safeguarding and administrative reasons. After the event your personal data will be destroyed in accordance with the congregation's policy on the retention and deletion of records.